Friday, July 30, 2010


In just over a week from now, my little girl will turn the big number, واح, Une, Unul, אחד, 한, Ένας, Ein, Jeden, Ett ... no matter what language you say it in the fact is the apple of my eye will be 365 days old... 525,600 minutes will have passed by in what seems like a blink of an eye...SLOW DOWN!

I captured the above picture about 7 months ago... and just looking at her today with her beautiful toothy smile not only melts my heart, but brings the realization that time is not slowing down... I am not getting any younger and she is growing before my eyes. We are having a beautiful birthday party for her at Blue Lake Park and I am really looking forward to seeing her tear into her lady bug -- that is the theme -- cupcake! I will be posting the images that day... so come back and see the joy that I will be capturing of my little angel on her big day.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Well, my July issue of Cake Central Magazine finally arrived... I have been waiting for it for a long time now, but all is good... it is here and in my hands. No, I have not taken up baking, nor do I enjoy reading the latest methods on how not to burn your cake... this was the first time that I have had a picture of mine published in a nationwide magazine. A friend of mine, Melissa, who owns a wonderful bakery (Sweet Cakes by Melissa) here in Gresham, was asked by the magazine to submit a tattooed themed cake for possible publication. Melissa called me and asked if I would do a photo shoot for her on the above cake? She did not have to ask me twice, I mean, come on... who would not want to have their image in a nationally distributed magazine... plus I was able to gain a few extra pounds on her delectable treats.

At any rate, her cake was picked and was given a nice full page position... and what put me on cloud nine was that I received photo credit... see insert. Well, now that I am a big shot photographer and other publications are just pounding on my door for some more of my images to publish, I would like to say that I have shirts and posters of the above image for sale on my website and for a few extra bucks I will autograph them for you.

By the way, for those of you who cannot see through my poor, dry humor and long winded sentence... I was kidding about the shirts and posters for sale... come on, I am not that full of myself. However, the autographs are still available! ;-)