Friday, July 30, 2010


In just over a week from now, my little girl will turn the big number, واح, Une, Unul, אחד, 한, Ένας, Ein, Jeden, Ett ... no matter what language you say it in the fact is the apple of my eye will be 365 days old... 525,600 minutes will have passed by in what seems like a blink of an eye...SLOW DOWN!

I captured the above picture about 7 months ago... and just looking at her today with her beautiful toothy smile not only melts my heart, but brings the realization that time is not slowing down... I am not getting any younger and she is growing before my eyes. We are having a beautiful birthday party for her at Blue Lake Park and I am really looking forward to seeing her tear into her lady bug -- that is the theme -- cupcake! I will be posting the images that day... so come back and see the joy that I will be capturing of my little angel on her big day.

1 comment:

  1. I plan on being right along side of you capturing pics's my right as her auntie :) We are looking forward to the special day. love you
    Auntie Diane
